trial of fate

Unveil Your Fortune in the Blade of the Guillotine

Get started Contract


$CHOP is a deflationary ERC20 token for participating in bets using our Telegram bot. In order to place bets users must have a certain amount of $CHOP tokens. Players need to authorize the withdrawal of $CHOP tokens by our bot and transfer them to the escrow contract. We make this process quick and easy! This authorization takes place automatically during the connection process by invoking the connectAndApprove function.


Get Started With CHOPBOT

  1. Add CHOPBOT on TELEGRAM and use the /start command to activate the bot.
  2. Use the /connect command to begin the wallet connect process. You will be given a secret number used to connect and approve the contract.
  3. Visit the $CHOP contract on ETHERSCAN and send a transaction to the connectAndApprove function on the $CHOP contract using the number given by the bot.
  4. Reply to bot the with the transaction hash from the previous step.
  5. You are now connected and can use your $CHOP to bet!
game guide

How To Play

Game Commands


/begin <minimumBid> <numberOfPrisoners>

Start a new game with minimum bid and number of prisoners.



Join the current game.



Place a bet in the game.



Beg for your life, maybe you will be shown mercy.



Take your place at the back of the line after a successful escape.